Online Beekeeping Classes Available

Hello Beekeepers, Bee Enthusiasts, and the Bee Curious!

Have you ever wondered: As a “new-bee”, how can I learn about keeping bees from a TRUSTED source?
Have you ever wondered: Am I able to learn about special topics related to beekeeping, such as “Beekeeping as a Business”, “Honey Bee Nutrition”, or “Products of the Hive”?
Have you ever thought about taking your beekeeping hobby to a whole new level with a Master Beekeeper Certification with the University of Florida?
Then our ONLINE COURSE CATALOG has something waiting for you!

Visit our Online Catalog – Click Here!

The University of Florida’s Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory is your source for science-based solutions to your apiculture issues. Please visit us for extensive resources and learning opportunities at our website: UFHONEYBEE.COM

or reach out to us with your questions at